Rig Veda (translation and commentary)

by H. H. Wilson | 1866 | 1,999,864 words | ISBN-10: 8171101380 | ISBN-13: 9788171101382

The Rig-Veda, English translation, including the commentary of Sayana and grammatical analysis. The hyms of the Rigveda Samhita represents some of the oldest and complex of Hindu Sanskrit literature. In ten books, these mantras form the core essence of rituals and ceremonies once widely performed throughout ancient India. This edition contains the...

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

Rig Veda 2.43.2

Sanskrit text [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:

उ॒द्गा॒तेव॑ शकुने॒ साम॑ गायसि ब्रह्मपु॒त्र इ॑व॒ सव॑नेषु शंससि । वृषे॑व वा॒जी शिशु॑मतीर॒पीत्या॑ स॒र्वतो॑ नः शकुने भ॒द्रमा व॑द वि॒श्वतो॑ नः शकुने॒ पुण्य॒मा व॑द ॥
उद्गातेव शकुने साम गायसि ब्रह्मपुत्र इव सवनेषु शंससि । वृषेव वाजी शिशुमतीरपीत्या सर्वतो नः शकुने भद्रमा वद विश्वतो नः शकुने पुण्यमा वद ॥
udgāteva śakune sāma gāyasi brahmaputra iva savaneṣu śaṃsasi | vṛṣeva vājī śiśumatīr apītyā sarvato naḥ śakune bhadram ā vada viśvato naḥ śakune puṇyam ā vada ||

English translation:

“You sing, Bird, like the udgatā chanting the sāma; you murmur like the brahmaputra at sacrifices; like a horse (neighing) when approaching a mare do you proclaim (aloud) to us good fortune from every quarter; proclaim aloud prosperity to us from every direction.”

Commentary by Sāyaṇa: Ṛgveda-bhāṣya

Brahmaputra: the same as the brāhmaṇāccaṃsi one of the sixteen priests, who 'sastram śaṃsati, recites the mantra that is not to be sun or chanted


Ṛṣi (sage/seer): gṛtsamadaḥ śaunakaḥ [gṛtsamada śaunaka];
Devatā (deity/subject-matter): kapiñjalaivendraḥ ;
Chandas (meter): bhurigatiśakvarī ;
Svara (tone/note): Swar;

Padapatha [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:

उ॒द्गा॒ताऽइ॑व । श॒कु॒ने॒ । साम॑ । गा॒य॒सि॒ । ब्र॒ह्म॒पु॒त्रःऽइ॑व । सव॑नेषु । शं॒स॒सि॒ । वृषा॑ऽइव । वा॒जी । शिशु॑ऽमतीः । अ॒पि॒ऽइत्य॑ । स॒र्वतः॑ । नः॒ । श॒कु॒ने॒ । भ॒द्रम् । आ । व॒द॒ । वि॒श्वतः॑ । नः॒ । श॒कु॒ने॒ । पुण्य॑म् । आ । व॒द॒ ॥
उद्गाताइव । शकुने । साम । गायसि । ब्रह्मपुत्रःइव । सवनेषु । शंससि । वृषाइव । वाजी । शिशुमतीः । अपिइत्य । सर्वतः । नः । शकुने । भद्रम् । आ । वद । विश्वतः । नः । शकुने । पुण्यम् । आ । वद ॥
udgātāiva | śakune | sāma | gāyasi | brahmaputraḥ-iva | savaneṣu | śaṃsasi | vṛṣāiva | vājī | śiśu-matīḥ | api-itya | sarvataḥ | naḥ | śakune | bhadram | ā | vada | viśvataḥ | naḥ | śakune | puṇyam | ā | vada

Multi-layer Annotation of the Ṛgveda

[Rigveda 2.43.2 English analysis of grammar]

udgāteva < udgātā < udgātṛ

[noun], nominative, singular, masculine

“Udgātṛ; udgātṛ [word].”

udgāteva < iva


“like; as it were; somehow; just so.”

śakune < śakuni

[noun], vocative, singular, masculine

“Śakuni; bird; large bird; Śakuni.”

sāma < sāman

[noun], accusative, singular, neuter

“Sāman; Sama-Veda; song; sāman [word]; hymn.”

gāyasi <

[verb], singular, Present indikative

“sing; praise; jap; recite; describe.”

brahmaputra < brahma < brahman

[noun], masculine

“Brahma; Brahmin; dhak; Brahman; brahman [word]; Brahman; Brahmin; Brahmapurāṇa; Vishnu; Brihaspati.”

brahmaputra < putraḥ < putra

[noun], nominative, singular, masculine

“son; putra [word]; male child; Putra; Bodhisattva.”



“like; as it were; somehow; just so.”

savaneṣu < savana

[noun], locative, plural, neuter

“yajña; savana [word]; Snāna; Soma sacrifice; press.”

śaṃsasi < śaṃs

[verb], singular, Present indikative

“recommend; tell; praise; approve; communicate; recite; commend; bode; name; agree.”

vṛṣeva < vṛṣā < vṛṣan

[noun], nominative, singular, masculine

“bullocky; potent; powerful; strong; manly; aroused; potent; much(a); male; large.”

vṛṣeva < iva


“like; as it were; somehow; just so.”

vājī < vājin

[noun], nominative, singular, masculine

“horse; bird; seven; hero; achiever; aphrodisiac.”

śiśumatīr < śiśumatīḥ < śiśumat

[noun], accusative, plural, feminine

apītyā < apītya < apī < √i

[verb noun]

“repair to; approach.”

apītyā < ā


“towards; ākāra; until; ā; since; according to; ā [suffix].”

sarvato < sarvatas


“about; everywhere; from all sides; always; in every direction; thoroughly; anywhere.”

naḥ < mad

[noun], accusative, plural

“I; mine.”

śakune < śakuni

[noun], vocative, singular, masculine

“Śakuni; bird; large bird; Śakuni.”

bhadram < bhadra

[noun], accusative, singular, neuter

“auspicious; lovely; good; happy; bhadra [word]; lucky; fine-looking; beautiful.”



“towards; ākāra; until; ā; since; according to; ā [suffix].”

vada < vad

[verb], singular, Present imperative

“describe; teach; speak; tell; say; call; name; enumerate; declare; diagnose; address; say; pronounce; express; instruct; order.”

viśvato < viśvatas


“everywhere; around; about.”

naḥ < mad

[noun], accusative, plural

“I; mine.”

śakune < śakuni

[noun], vocative, singular, masculine

“Śakuni; bird; large bird; Śakuni.”

puṇyam < puṇya

[noun], accusative, singular, neuter

“auspicious; holy; pleasant; good; right; puṇya [word]; good; consecrated; correct.”



“towards; ākāra; until; ā; since; according to; ā [suffix].”

vada < vad

[verb], singular, Present imperative

“describe; teach; speak; tell; say; call; name; enumerate; declare; diagnose; address; say; pronounce; express; instruct; order.”

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