Shreshthin, Śreṣṭhin: 14 definitions
Shreshthin means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
Shreshthin has 13 English definitions available.
The Sanskrit term Śreṣṭhin can be transliterated into English as Sresthin or Shreshthin, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
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Sanskrit dictionary
[Deutsch Wörterbuch]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger WörterbuchŚreṣṭhin (श्रेष्ठिन्):—(von śreṣṭha) m.
1) ein Mann von Ansehen [Aitareyabrāhmaṇa 3, 30.] [Śāṅkhāyana’s Brāhmaṇa 28, 6.] [Kauṣītakyupaniṣad 4, 20.] —
2) das Haupt einer Innung, - Zunft, Gildemeister [Jaṭādhara im Śabdakalpadruma] śreṣṭhipūrvāstu śreṇayaḥ [Harivaṃśa 10985.] śreṣṭhicatvara [Mṛcchakaṭikā 61, 17.] [Varāhamihira’s Bṛhajjātaka S. 29, 10. 33, 25. 86, 34.] [Sāhityadarpana 173, 3.] [Spr. (II) 2206. 3700.] [Pañcatantra 8, 20. 100, 1] (śreṣṭhi zu lesen). [Oxforder Handschriften 155,a,17.] [Vetālapañcaviṃśati] in [Lassen’s Anthologie (III) 17,10. 18,18.] [ŚUK. ebend. 32,11. 37,2.] [Hiouen-Thsang 1,474.] [morgenländischen Gesellschaft 14,569,5.] keśava als Nomen proprium [573, 3.] śreṣṭhin (śreṣṭī die Hdschr.) als Jātaka Śākyamuni’s [VYĀḌI] beim Schol. zu [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 233.] [Vyutpatti oder Mahāvyutpatti 8] (śreṣṭhījātaka). [101.] — Vgl. kula .
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with: Shreshthicatvara, Shreshthini.
Full-text (+108): Kulashreshthin, Dharmashreshthin, Keshavashreshthin, Pura-shreshthin, Kalya-shreshthin, Raja-shreshthin, Shreshthicatvara, Nagai-shreshthin, Reuma-shreshthin, Lokkai-shreshthin, Revana-shreshthin, Khetraiya-Indra-shreshthin, Mahadai-shreshthin, Siddhai-shreshthin, Chaththamai-shreshthin, Shreshthika, Bhabhana-shreshthin, Durga-shreshthin, Dhanama-shreshthin, Nagara-shreshthin.
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Search found 9 books and stories containing Shreshthin, Śreṣṭhin, Sresthin; (plurals include: Shreshthins, Śreṣṭhins, Sresthins). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Brihatkatha-kosha (cultural study) (by Himanshu Shekhar Acharya)
Chapter 4 - Brihatkatha-kosha study—Economic Condition
Chapter 3 - Brihatkatha-kosha study—Political Condition
Chapter 5 - Brihatkatha-kosha study—Socio-religious conditions
Matangalila and Hastyayurveda (study) (by Chandrima Das)
Paumacariya (critical study) (by K. R. Chandra)
45. The previous births of Indrajit and Ghanavahana < [Chapter 4 - Intervening Stories]
54. The previous births of Rama, Sita, Laksmana, Ravana, Sugriva etc. < [Chapter 4 - Intervening Stories]
2. Castes: Origin, Duties, Occupation and Position < [Chapter 7 - Social Conditions]
Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra (by Gelongma Karma Migme Chödrön)
Appendix 10 - The vows and actions of bhikṣu Nanda in previous lives < [Chapter VIII - The Bodhisattvas]
Appendix 4 - The story of Sudatta’s bodhi < [Chapter LII - Elimination of the Triple Poison]
The Dānapati who excluded the Śrāmaṇeras from his invitation < [III. Recollection of the community (saṃgānusmṛti)]
Dasarupaka (critical study) (by Anuru Ranjan Mishra)
Part 10 - The Elements (arthaprakṛti) < [Chapter 1 - Nāṭaka (critical study)]
Discovery of Sanskrit Treasures (seven volumes) (by Satya Vrat Shastri)
3. Indian Culture in the light of Sanskrit Language < [Volume 7 - Society and Culture]
5. Mricchakatika—A Reassessment < [Volume 3 - Classical Sanskrit Literature]
Index of Third volume < [Volume 3 - Classical Sanskrit Literature]