Lainga, Laimga, Laiṅga: 7 definitions
Lainga means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
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Sanskrit dictionary
[Deutsch Wörterbuch]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger WörterbuchLaiṅga (लैङ्ग):—(von liṅga)
1) n. Titel eines Purāṇa und eines Upapurāṇa [Madhusūdanasarasvatī’s Prasthānabheda] in [Weber’s Indische Studien 1,18,10. 19.] [Viṣṇupurāṇa 284.] [Bhāgavatapurāṇa 12,7,23.] [Mārkāṇḍeyapurāṇa S. 659, Śloka 3.] Comm. zu [ŚVETĀŚV. Upakośā S. 259. 268.] [Oxforder Handschriften.8,a,2. 59,a,39. 65,a,40.] purāṇa [104,a,20. 270,b,35.] Vgl. liṅgapurāṇa . —
2) f. ī eine best. Schlingpflanze, = liṅginī [Rājanirghaṇṭa im Śabdakalpadruma]
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Laiṅga (लैङ्ग):—adj. das grammatische Geschlecht betreffend: vidhi [Patañjali] [?a. a. O.2,360,b.]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer FassungLaiṅga (लैङ्ग):——
1) Adj. das grammatische Geschlecht betreffend. —
2) f. ī eine best. Pflanze. —
3) n. Tttel eines Purāṇa. ([Hemādri’s Caturvargacintāmaṇi 1,537,14]) und Upaprāṇa. Auch purāṇa n.
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with: Laimgapurana, Laingadhuma, Laingasamhita, Laingodbhava.
Full-text: Laingodbhava, Laingadhuma, Vasishthalainga, Laimgapurana, Laingasamhita, Ilainkam, Laingika, Laingikabhavavada, Laingi, Vacittalainkam.
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Search found 19 books and stories containing Lainga, Laimga, Laiṃga, Laiṅga; (plurals include: Laingas, Laimgas, Laiṃgas, Laiṅgas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Mandukya Upanishad (by Kenneth Jaques)
Verse 27 < [Chapter 2]
Studies in the Upapuranas (by R. C. Hazra)
Chapter 9.14 - The Mahesha-purana (study)
Chapter 1 - The Upapurana literature—its extent, antiquity and origin
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts, Madras (by M. Seshagiri Sastri)
Page 59 < [Volume 1, Part 1 (1901)]
Page 254 < [Volume 4, Part 1 (1908)]
Page 359 < [Volume 4, Part 1 (1907)]
Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts (by Rajendralala Mitra)
Page 291 < [Volume 2 (1872)]
Markandeya Purana (Study) (by Chandamita Bhattacharya)
1.5: Divisions of the Purāṇas < [Chapter 1]
The Quotations of the Puranas in the Danasagar < [Purana, Volume 7, Part 1 (1965)]
Linga-purana and the Tantra Sastra < [Purana, Volume 6, Part 2 (1964)]