Kapi, Kāpi, Kāpī: 29 definitions


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[Deutsch Wörterbuch]

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

Kapi (कपि):—m. [Die Uṇādi-Affixe 4, 145.]

1) Affe [Amarakoṣa 2, 5, 3.] [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 1291.] [Medinīkoṣa Pāṇini’s acht Bücher 2.] [Ṛgveda 10, 86, 5.] [Atharvavedasaṃhitā 3, 9, 4. 4, 37, 11. 6, 49, 1.] [Yāska’s Nirukta 3, 18.] [Manu’s Gesetzbuch 11, 154.] [Rāmāyaṇa 1, 1, 65.] [Suśruta 1, 111, 2.] [Ṛtusaṃhāra 1, 23.] tasya yathā kapyāsaṃ puṇḍarīkamevamakṣiṇī [Chāndogyopaniṣad 1, 6, 7.] f. kapi und kapī gaṇa bahvādi zu [Pāṇini’s acht Bücher 4, 1, 45.] kapitva der Zustand eines Affen [Rāmāyaṇa 5, 2, 15.] —

2) Elephant [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 175.] —

3) Name einer Pflanze: Emblica officinalis Gaert. (dhātrikā) nach [Śabdamālā im Śabdakalpadruma] eine Species von karañja nach [Śabdacandrikā im Śabdakalpadruma] —

4) Weihrauch [Medinīkoṣa] Vgl. kapija, kapitaila, kapināman, kapila, kapiśa, kapyākhya . —

5) Sonne [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 7.] Vgl. kavi . —

6) ein Beiname Viṣṇu’s oder Kṛṣṇa’s [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 74.] [Medinīkoṣa] Neben kapila [Mahābhārata 13, 7045.] Vgl. kapīndra . —

7) Nomen proprium des angeblichen Verfassers von [Vājasaneyisaṃhitā 2, 16.] Ahn Kāpya’s [] zu [Bṛhadāranyakopaniṣad 3, 3, 1.] ein Sohn Urukṣaya’s [Viṣṇupurāṇa 451] [?(Variante l.] kavi). kapayaḥ [Pravarādhyāya] in [Weber’s Verzeichniss 62, 13.] kapiśyāparṇeyāḥ gaṇa kārtakaujapādi zu [Pāṇini’s acht Bücher 6, 2, 37.] — Viell. von kamp [Weber’s Indische Studien 1, 217. 343.]

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Kāpī (कापी):—f.

1) Nomen proprium eines Frauenzimmers, f. zu kāpya (vgl. kāppa d. i. kāpya v.l. für kāvya im gaṇa śārṅgaravādi zu [Pāṇini’s acht Bücher 4, 1, 73]); kāpīputra Name eines Lehrers [Bṛhadāranyakopaniṣad 6, 5, 1.] —

2) Nomen proprium eines Flusses [Viṣṇupurāṇa 183.]

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Kapi (कपि):—adj. braun (varṇanāman) [UJJVAL.] zu [Uṇādisūtra 4, 143.] —

7) mit dem patron. Khārgali als Beiname des Luśas [Kāṭhaka-Recension 30, 2.] muni [Oxforder Handschriften 140,a, No. 280.] — Vgl. mahā, kāpeya, kāpya .

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

Kapi (कपि):—m.

1) Affe. Das. *f. kapi und kapī. —

2) *Elephant.

3) *Emblica officinalis , *eine Karañja-Species und *Olibanum ([Rājan 12,105]) —

4) *die Sonne.

5) Beiname Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa's. —

6) Nomen proprium verschiedener Männer. Pl. ihr Geschlecht.

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Kāpī (कापी):—f.

1) Patron. f. zu kāpya , patra m. Nomen proprium eines Lehrers. —

2) Nomen proprium eines Flusses [Mahābhārata 6,9,24.]

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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