Bhavin, Bhāvin, Bhavi: 23 definitions
Bhavin means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, Buddhism, Pali, Marathi, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
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Sanskrit dictionary
[Deutsch Wörterbuch]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger WörterbuchBhavin (भविन्):—(von bhava) m. ein lebendes Wesen [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 1366.]
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Bhāvin (भाविन्):—(von 1. bhū)
1) adj. werdend, seiend, zu sein pflegend: yasmātprāvṛḍiyaṃ kṛṣṇa śakrasya bhuvi bhāvinī . tasmātprāvṛṣi rājānaḥ sarve śakram mahaiḥ sureśamarcanti [Harivaṃśa 3805.] Am Ende eines comp. ekī zu eins werdend, prathama zuerst seiend [Prātiśākhya zum Ṛgveda 3, 8.] bhṛtya Diener seiend [Raghuvaṃśa 11, 49.] stabdha Cit. bei [Mallinātha] zu [Kumārasaṃbhava 7, 94.] kuñjarasya bindavaḥ kāye vayoviśeṣabhāvinaḥ padmakākhyāḥ in verschiedenen Lebensaltern seiend, erscheinend [Mallinātha] zu [Kumārasaṃbhava 1, 7.] — b) zukünftig, bevorstehend, sein müssend [Uṇādisūtra 4, 8.] gana gamyādi zu [Pāṇini’s acht Bücher 3, 3, 3.] samatītaṃ ca bhavacca bhāvi ca [Raghuvaṃśa 8, 77. 18, 30.] [Spr. 1718.] [Vikramorvaśī 87, 1.] [Sūryasiddhānta 12, 8. 9. 12.] [KĀM. NĪTIS. 10, 28.] [Spr. 2463.] [Kathāsaritsāgara 19, 77. 25, 83. 30, 67. 32, 192. 45, 141.] [Mārkāṇḍeyapurāṇa 94, 12.] [Amarakoṣa 2, 8, 2, 71.] [Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 802. 53.] ya va ra la eṣāṃ sthāne krameṇa jātā bhāvino vā i u ṛ ḷ [Pāṇini’s acht Bücher 1, 1, 45.] [Scholiast] artha [Harivaṃśa 734.] [Spr. 4117. 4663. 4810.] yadbhāvi tadbhavati nātra vicārahetuḥ [Pañcatantra I, 417.] avaśyaṃ [Mahābhārata 1, 4888.] [Spr. 244. 245.] svabhāva [Mahābhārata 12, 8047.] śvobhāvini mahāyuddhe so v. a. am Tage vor der grossen Schlacht [1, 515.] Häufig steht bhāvin geradezu für das fut. von bhūḥ mlecchācārāḥ sarvabhakṣā dāruṇāḥ sarvakarmasu . bhāvinaḥ paścime kāle manuṣyāḥ [Mahābhārata 3, 13062.] varadānātpiturbhāvī surāsuranamaskṛtaḥ [?14262. 13,4645. Harivaṃśa 5806. Meghadūta 42. 57. Spr. 64. 2342. 4270. Kathāsaritsāgara 25,84. 39,128. 42,21. Mārkāṇḍeyapurāṇa 63,21. Verz. d.Oxf. Hemacandra’s Abhidhānacintāmaṇi 55,a,42. Hitopadeśa 86,12. morgenländischen Gesellschaft 14,572,14.] — c) am Ende eines comp. im Besitz von Etwas seiend: jñānavijñāna [Mahābhārata 13, 6669.] — d) wie Jmd sein müsste: abhāvino munayaḥ (abhāvin = nāśabhāj [Scholiast]) [Harivaṃśa 11190.] — e) in haribhāvin (von bhāva) zu Hari Zuneigung habend [Vopadeva’s Grammatik 6, 9.] —
2) m. a) jeder Vocal mit Ausnahme des a und d [Prātiśākhya zur Vājasaneyisaṃhitā 1, 46. 3, 21. 55. 4, 33. 45. 7, 9.] Vielleicht deshalb so genannt, weil sie einer Veränderung, dem Uebergange in die entsprechenden Halbvocale, unterworfen sind. — b) Bez. der 4ten Kaste, der Śūdra, in Plakṣadvīpa u.s.w. [Viṣṇupurāṇa] bei [MUIR, Stenzler I, 191] ([Viṣṇupurāṇa 198]). —
3) f. bhāvinī a) ein schönes (vgl. bhavya) Weib [Amarakoṣa 2, 6, 1, 3.] [Indralokāgamana 5, 37.] [Hiḍimbavadha 4, 30.] [Sundopasundopākhyāna 4, 24.] [Nalopākhyāna 5, 11. 11, 28. 32. 16, 32. 17, 15. 27. 18, 17.] [Mahābhārata 1, 905. 968. 3, 16190] (nach der Lesart der ed. Bomb.). [4, 76. 5, 6030. 7014. 7328. 14, 730.] [Harivaṃśa 6696. 7070. 9074.] [Rāmāyaṇa Gorresio 1, 66, 1. 3, 53, 39. 6, 99, 56.] [Mārkāṇḍeyapurāṇa 63, 62. 74, 47. 114, 24.] — b) Nomen proprium einer der Mütter im Gefolge des Skanda [Mahābhārata 9, 2629.] der Tochter eines Gandharva [Mārkāṇḍeyapurāṇa 128, 11. 17. 22.] — Vgl. aniruddhabhāvinī, tathābhāvin, punarbhāvin, pūrva .
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Bhavin (भविन्):—so v. a. Mensch [Spr. (II) 4563.]
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Bhāvin (भाविन्):—fördernd in loka .
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer FassungBhavin (भविन्):—m. ein lebendes Wesen , insbes. des Mensch [Indische studien von Weber 14,380,382.]
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Bhāvin (भाविन्):——
1) Adj. — a) werdend , seiend , zu sein pflegend , Etwas (im Comp. vorangehend) seind. — b) zukünftig , bevorstehend , sein müssend. Häufig in der Bed des Fut. 1. bhū. — c) wie Jmd sein Sollte in ā 2). — d) im Besitz seiend von (im Comp. vorangehend). — e) Etwas (im Comp. vorangehend) zur Erscheinung bringend , kenntlich machend [MALLIN.] zu [Kumāras 1,7.] — f) am Ende eines Comp. — α) fördernd , Heil bringend. — β) eine Gottheit verehrend [Hemādri’s Caturvargacintāmaṇi 1,438,4.] —
2) m. — a) jeder Vocal mit Ausnahme des a und ā. — b) Bez. der Śūdra in Plakṣadvīpa. —
3) f. nī — a) ein schönes Weib. — b) eine best. Composition [Saṃgitasārasaṃgraha 121.] — c) Nomen proprium — α) einer der Mütter im Gefolge Skanda's. — β) der Tochter eines Gandharva.
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with: Bhavimdia, Bhavina, Bhavini, Bhavinin.
Ends with (+29): Abhavin, Abhibhavin, Abhitobhavin, Annathabhavin, Anubhavin, Anyathasambhavin, Apunarbhavin, Asadbhavin, Asambhavin, Ashubhavin, Avashyabhavin, Avashyambhavin, Avinabhavin, Ayugapadbhavin, Bhavabhibhavin, Bhrityabhavin, Bhutabhavin, Cirabhavin, Ekabhavin, Ekaksharibhavin.
Full-text (+92): Punarbhavin, Sadyobhavin, Abhavin, Paribhavin, Bhavivadikatha, Bhavi-phula, Bhavia, Bhavi-kanda, Bhavi-kand, Purvabhavitva, Kramabhavin, Abhitobhavin, Bhutabhavin, Sahabhavin, Arhavant, Tathabhavin, Lokabhavin, Anubhavin, Namin, Vibhavin.
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